Thanksgiving Resources

Fun Family Resources for the Thanksgiving Season:

(Images are clickable)

Gratitude Activity Printable Pack 

I downloaded this from Kim over at Not Consumed.

30 free pages of Thanksgiving ideas and activities! Bible verse cards, Gratitude journal for kids, Thanksgiving scavenger hunt, Thankfulness hymn & verses, Gratitude cards, and a link for how to have a "Blessings Party."

Thanksgiving - A Time to Remember

This one has been part of our family for many many years. I love the CDs - one is an audio story and one is Thanksgiving music.

The Legend of Squanto

Focus on the Family Radio Theatre never disappoints!

Squanto and the First Thanksgiving

Rabbit Ears productions on Audible are awesome! Inexpensive and well done.

There are two family nights for Thanksgiving in this book. These books are just awesome for an occasional special family night with younger kids.


OVERLOAD WARNING: Please remember - these resources have been collected over many years of parenting and family time. If you are new to using resources to make holidays special, you have to PROMISE me you won't try to do all the things. Using one of these resources would be a gentle start. You don't use them all in one year. You don't use them all at all! And maybe the right thing for this year is to do nothing - to just be sure you sit down for a meal as often as you can with your kids and say something for which you are thankful during this season. The point is to slow down - not to speed up in a frenzy of pumpkin-colored stressfulness. The best gift you can give your kids is your presence. That's the best resource of all.

A few other Thanksgiving books off our shelves:

(Watch for them at thrift stores!)


Little People with Big Feelings


Does my kid have OCD?